Sunday 17 April 2011

Foster: Donut King - Vanilla Glazed Donut

Hey guys, It's Monday! not Friday like I stated earlier that I would be posting on.  After 2 birthday parties in a row, I figured that eating more sweets wasn't the best idea, so I waited a few days for the next best day of the week to write my review... Monday!... actually not quite the best day...  or a good day at all.. In fact I have already written THIS ENTIRE REVIEW before it gotten accidentally deleted and autosaved itself as blank before I could do anything... Oh well.  I decided to do something a little different this week so I hope you enjoy!
Now on to the review...

Glazed donuts (or doughnuts).  The pinnacle of donut creation.  Also, not surprisingly, one of the most common, due to it's inherent awesomeness.  Surprisingly, Donut King doesn't actually sell normal glazed donuts, and only has a little section with a few "Vanilla Glazed" donuts as part of their "Sensations" range.  At the same time as being suspicious, you don't really expect too much from a shop that is little more than a stand in the middle of a shopping centre.  It does however, strike me as strange that a place called Donut King sells more 'eclairs' than glazed donuts. Meh...

 I chose the vanilla glazed donut, out of the range they had, simply because I hadn't had one before, and figured that it would be just like a normal glazed donut.  I received my donut in a bright pink bag that has a few circular designs and "Donut King" "Excite your Tastebuds" written on it.  It disappoints me a little, because I was hoping for a super-cheesy donut pun as their slogan, but I suppose the people in charge of Donut King do-nut think it's a good idea (HAHAHAHAHA! did ya see what I did there?!?! Do you get it?!... Why aren't you laughing?... oh...)  But before any of that went through my head, I notice that the donut is not warm at all, and actually feels a little cold.  This, is not a good sign.  In my eyes, all donuts should be eaten right after they have been fried and glazed, and this is FAR from warm.  I'm not saying that it won't be super-awesome-delicious... but that it COULD'VE been much better.  I take my bright pink bag, holding my not-warm donut, home; giving anybody I pass, the I-have-a-donut-in-a-bright-pink-bag-and-it's-fricken-awesome look.  (Which is actually quite easy to pull off if you HAVE a pink bag and donut)

I open up the bag and inspect it, once I have access to a computer, so that I can accurately document my donut eating experience.  I smell it; a classic sweet donut smell, with a strong vanilla scent.  I look at it; a normal looking glazed donut, circular cooked dough with a  hole in the middle that has been lightly browned on either side.  It is covered in a smooth, translucent, hardened glaze, that make it all the more appetizing.  I then proceed to quickly eat the whole thing.

It is DELICIOUS.  Just about what I expected as well.  The texture is amazing, the whole thing melts in your mouth, quite literally, with an extremely soft, aerated feel to it, which consequentially, allows you to eat donut after donut after donut after donut AFTER having previously eaten a dozen, without getting full.  You'll have to decide for yourself whether or not this is a good thing (major factor being your wallet), but donuts are always better when you Go-nuts (pun no. 2) and get a dozen.  After all you only live once!
Anyways, the taste is very good as well, with a very good balance of sweet and "doughy" tastes,  ie. you can actually TASTE THE DONUT; something I would like to see more of these days.  Many donuts, I find, are covered with miniature mountains of chocolate icing, which completely drown out the taste of the donut, WHICH IS WHAT YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE BUYING IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! A DONUT!!
 The vanilla flavour is also a very good addition to the donut.  It mixes in very well with the other ingredients, and while not being a 'top' quality vanilla flavouring, it certainly makes it's point and leaves you with a nice aftertaste.  It really works well with the other flavours and enhances the donut as a hole. (pun no. 3)

 Sadly, this is after all, a COLD donut.  Comparing this to a traditionally glazed donut that was freshly made is not possible, because the warm donut has won before you have even begun to compare.  However if you compare the Vanilla Glaze to a Krispy Kreme glazed donut, or one from your locally owned donut shop, the texture and taste of the donut part, only lags a small distance behind them.  In my opinion, the vanilla glaze is actually better than it's traditional-glaze counterparts.  The vanilla doesn't really change basic flavour of the glaze, but rather enhances it.  In short, if my local donut shop stole the recipe for the vanilla glaze and used it on their own donuts, I would be there every morning when they opened, just so I could get the freshest ones.

All in all, although I think this donut makes a great snack, and the vanilla is a wonderful addition to the classic glazed donut, I would buy a traditional glazed donut from a locally owned store first.  However you should DEFINITELY try this donut at least once, because the vanilla glaze definitely makes it worth spending your dough (pun no. 4) on!

 Thank you so much for hanging in there, enduring the puns, and reading the review.  If you enjoy EdiBlog, then tell your friends and family about it.  We would also love to hear your opinions and thoughts on the subjects! So post a comment below or send us an email at to tell us what you think, or what you want us to review! Stay tuned for more (possibly easter themed) reviews! ;)
EdiBlogger out!

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